Design System & Service : 2031 - Hong Kong Museum of History

History defines what we are, who we are.
The mission of Hong Kong Museum of History in 2031 is a platform for Hong Kong people to take a break from all the rushing we are having, look back and think. Stay a while in HKMH, experience the simple and unadorned lives our ancestors have. The simplest interaction, discusses, and shares between one and each other.

In 2031, continuously advancing technologies spreading far and wide, knowledge is accessible anytime, anywhere through Internet, everything is just one click away. However how to fabricate the accuracy of information is difficult via Internet varies of version, languages, authors, and sources. The way we could truly learn about what it was like is to re-create the factuality environment allowing visitors to feel, to touch, to talk, to walk, to eat drink, and to live. Enlarge on the section “Birth and Early Growth of the City”, we will re-create the environment with things, events, and places of the early growth generation whom defined Hong Kong people. Also re-create the factual interaction between shoppers and keepers of the time by bringing the shops alive to further enhance the experience of the history trail. Look back and live on.

In our 2031 system and service, the ticket will become traditional folding, and simple traditional toy. They will take turn as the entrance ticket, users can collect them as a souvenir. Increase their interest to the focused section “Birth and Early Growth of the City”. Into the “Birth and Early Growth of the City”, we bring the old street alive, different of events take places. Games, shops, and parades allow us to keep a closer relationship with the user. Motion control games will be available inside the old street, like hair styling. Engage the user with a unique experience; Staffs will dress as the shopkeepers and give the information as they act. Some shops like grocery shop will also sell souvenirs, restaurant will actually provide food and drink; Parades will also take place base on the festival calendar, floating parades, lion and dragon dances, etc. The intimate relationship between our staffs and visitors can help us to improve our system and service time to time and help us to evolve.

Design System & Service : 2031 - Hong Kong Museum of History

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